The Greatest Math You’ll ever learn.

Early School was not so good. Now College has many enemies.

Why has this been the case?
Well some people have been looking for where they can apply dy/dx to life, while others are yet to find the importance of learning other languages that they seem not to care about, or identify what centrifugal or centripetal motion could do towards helping them make more money.

Sounds funny, right?

Well, there’s one particular arithmetic that’s actually useful. From my own perspective (which I am responsible for), I think it falls into the mathematical category. Unfortunately, it wasn’t taught in school. It’s an equation that has differentiated one set of people from another- The rich from the poor, the successful from the unsuccessful, and as many good/bad categories you can think of.

Truth is, it’s a very old invention, Older than Compound Interest, which Albert Einstein calls the greatest invention of the
world. I think that’s because that’s the one we were told about. This particular one has stood the test of time, and has been applied by every successful person you know, and though a lot of them may/may not be conscious of it, it’s the best mathematics you can ever learn.

You’re getting interested, I presume…I mean, why wouldn’t you? Well, here it is…

The greatest mathematics you can earn is how to calculate the future cost of your current decisions.

Yep. That’s is this useful? Definitely. What if I think I don’t need this? Think Again.

The major difference between people who are successful and those who are not is the fact that they knew this calculation, and MADE CAREFUL CHOICES having this equation in mind.
What’s the current state of your life right now? Check, and you’ll realize they were a result of poor choices, or rather, NOT KNOWING THIS EQUATON
What are the decisions you are making right now? What do you spend your day doing? LEARN THIS MATH AND FIND OUT where you’re headed.

I’d love to leave it here, but just remember, if you think this isn’t important, Think again.

Stay Strong.


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