Ignorar títulos. Solo crece


Is Growth Hard?

Depends on where you come from.

Well, Is it easy?
Definitely Not.

The year 2021 is somewhat filled with less motivation than usual. For Mel Robbins , she probably opines that it\’s a good thing, since she believes motivation is garbage anyways(btw, her mindset is phenomenal! Check out her book the 5 second Rule)

However, A lot of things are also responsible for the lackadaisical attitude towards aggressive growth. One of it was a tough ride if the previous year. Another is the fact that The Cliché, \”that\’s the way I am\” / \”that\’s just me\” is starting to be a mantra for more people than not.

Should this be a problem? Given the fact that it\’s a healthy way to feel good about yourself? Not necessarily.
However, if you\’re already looking for an excuse to choose not to grow, then it shouldn\’t be for you.
For some people, Growth has been a major focus for them. The somewhat bumpy ride of 2020 didn\’t make that route easy for them, as it was already feeling good, plus there were no major obstacles before them.
2020 made people down, but made a lot of others go higher, depending on where you look at it from, and what you choose to do about it.

If 2020 made you feel bad even if you\’d been investing little bits in yourself before, Think about how worse it could have been if you weren\’t. Then be grateful for he growth you\’ve got, and Choose to invest more in yourself.

If it was really good and insightful, then I think your growth has already begun. Just keep grinding.

And if it was a total disaster… Well, it wasn\’t. You just weren\’t guarded and prepared enough, but don\’t let that happen again. Besides Your being alive is not something You easily remember to be grateful for, without which, you won\’t even be reading this in the first place.

Not to get you nervous or put you in a hurry, but 4 weeks out of 52 should be done by Friday. Let\’s see how the remaining would be a little bit more intentional. Aiit?
I think my point is made, but just in case you need a bottom line, Growth, like exercise is essential, but, like your Job, has a commitment line dependent on just one factor, YOU.

Thanks for reading.

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Talk to you soon.


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